Higher level therapeutic parenting

An online course for parents of alienated children and their families with Karen Woodall

Cost £350.00 (option to pay in two installments)

This course is delivered on Zoom, in 4 x three-hour sessions.


See below for course details

About this course:


The Higher level therapeutic parenting course (HLTP) is the follow-on course from Holding up a healthy mirror (HUAHM) and participants must have completed HUAHM before taking this course.


This course is for anyone who has completed the Holding up a healthy mirror course with Karen Woodall. It is focused upon development of the skills needed to provide children who have suffered from induced psychological splitting with stable and predictable care. Working from the perspective that a parent in the rejected position after divorce and separation is best placed to offer their child the care which can repair attachment maladaptations, the course also focuses upon the skills necessary to support these parents to integrate and heal from reactive splitting in order to provide the stable foundation for healthy care of their children.


The course provides a care package for families affected by children's attachment maladaptations in divorce and separation and builds knowledge, skill and capacity to provide routine as well as trauma informed interventions. Utilising case studies from successful work with families affected by a child's alignment and rejection behaviour, this course offers depth examination of the problems facing children as well as the support which is necessary to help parents to provide healing. Based upon over a decade of successful work to heal children suffering from induced psychological splitting, Karen Woodall provides guidance in understanding how children present when they are healing from this state of mind and introduces a step wise approach to enabling full integration of the split sense of self.


Based on successful work with many families around the world, Karen Woodall will share with you the deep knowledge of how to recover children from the nightmare landscape of psychological splitting. Karen has helped families to rebuild health and wellbeing with children of all ages and has developed a structural approach to working with alienation which is easily translated into strategies which can be used by parents.


Please note:

A Zoom link for this event will be included in your order confirmation. This link should be used for all sessions. Please contact parenting@familyseparationclinic.co.uk with any questions you may have.


You can find our terms and conditions here