Karen Woodall
Karen Woodall is a highly experienced psychotherapist with over twenty-five years experience in working with parents and children affected by family separation. She has worked extensively in both
private and public law and regularly works in the High Court of England and Wales. Using established therapeutic theory and practice, Karen has developed new ways of working with alienated
children and is widely regarded as one of the foremost experts on children’s post separation rejecting behaviours and the phenomenon of the alienated child. She is also an author and her
influential blog has a worldwide readership. She is currently studying for a PhD. Karen was previously the Director at the Centre for Separated Families, a national charity that works with the
whole family in order to bring about better outcomes for children. She is the co-author of Understanding Parental Alienation: Learning to Cope, Helping to Heal (Charles C Thomas 2017) and The
Guide for Separated Parents (Piatkus 2007) and with her colleague, Nick Woodall.
Nick Woodall
Nick holds a Masters degree in psychodynamic psychotherapy from the University of London and is also a therapeutic mediator, accredited by the School of Psychotherapy & Counselling
Psychology, Regents University. He has worked with families experiencing divorce or separation since 1999 and cofounded the Family Separation Clinic, having previously worked at the Centre for
Separated Families. He specialises in working directly with separating families in order to enable the whole family to manage change in ways that provide the best outcomes for children and
specialise in children's rejection of a parent. Nick has worked on family separation policy and service design for the UK Government and has been a guest lecturer at the Judicial College of
England and Wales. He is the co-author of Understanding Parental Alienation: Learning to Cope, Helping to Heal (Charles C Thomas 2017)